Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Route Followed ------ Varanasi - Mohania - Sasaram - Gaya - Bodhgaya.
Time ----- 6Hrs.
Duration of Days & Night ----- 2 days & 1 Night
Rate :-
a). Tavera @ Rs. 9 per Km.
b). Innova @ Rs. 10 per Km.
c). Sumo Victa @ Rs. 8 per Km.
d). Indica @ Rs. 6 per Km.
NOTE :- Extra route expenditure such as toll tax, border tax , Parking etc. should be paid by party itself.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Package of Varanasi - Kushinagar to Lumbini (The Birthplace of the Lord Buddha)
Package of Varanasi to Kushinagar(Shakyamuni entered Mahaparinirvana)

General Cunningham and A.C. Carlyl brought this ancient site to light. Only after this excavation of the site in 1861, its antiquity was established for the first time. After this, between 1904 and 1912, several excavations conducted by the Archaeological Survey of India at Kushinagar confirmed its ancient identity.
When he reached his eighty-first year, Buddha gave his last major teaching--the subject was the thirty-seven wings of enlightenment--and left Vulture's Peak to journey north. It is when he crossed the Ganges for the last time at place where Patna now stands and came to the village of Beluva where Buddha was taken ill but he suppressed the sickness and continued to Vaisali. It was also the principal location of the third turning of the wheel of Dharma.
Coming to Pava, the blacksmith's son Kunda offered him a meal which included meat. It is said that all the Buddha's of this world eat a meal containing meat on the eve of their passing away. Buddha accepted, but directed that no one else should partake of the food. Later it was learned that the meat was bad. Buddha had already sensed his end on reaching the village of Kushinagar of the Mallas. He asked Ananda to prepare a bed for him with its head turned towards the north between two Sal trees. Ananda who served him for 20 years was deeply upset. "Don't grieve, Ananda!" the Buddha consoled him. "The nature of things dictates that we must leave those dear to us. Everything born contains its own cessation. And just as a worn-out cart can only with much additional care be made to move along, so too the body of the Buddha can only be kept going with much additional care".
As desired by the Buddha, the Mallas of Kushinagar were informed of his impending death, and they came to pay respects to him. As the third watch of the night approached, the Buddha asked his disciples thrice if there were any remaining doubts concerning the doctrine or the discipline. Receiving silence, he gave them the famous exhortation: "Impermanence is inherent in all things. Work out your own salvation with diligence." After this Shakyamuni Buddha entered Mahaparinirvana.
For the next six days the body of the Great Master was laid in state. Preparations were made for his funeral under the direction of Anirudha a cousin and follower of the Buddha. On the seventh day, after honoring the body with perfumes and garlands, it was taken to the Mukutbandhana Chaitya, the sacred shrine of the Mallas. The last ceremony was performed by Maha Kashyapa and the body of the Great Master was cremated with due honor. When the cremation was completed the ashes were collected by the Mallas as relics, which consisted of a skull bone, teeth and inner and outer shrouds. The relics were then distributed into eight shares amongst the representatives of the other eight Kingdoms which constituted ancient northern India. These relics were again subdivided after King Ashoka decided to build 84,000 Stupas. Today these relics are enshrined in Stupas across Asia.
Rate :-
a). Tavera @ Rs. 9 per Km.
b). Innova @ Rs. 10 per Km.
c). Sumo Victa @ Rs. 8 per Km.
d). Indica @ Rs. 6 per Km.
NOTE :- Extra route expenditure such as toll tax, border tax , Parking etc. should be paid by party itself.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Buddham Saranam Gacchami(Buddhist Tour Package)
There are four sacred Buddhist pilgrimage centers in the Indian subcontinent. The first of these is the birthplace of Buddha at Lumbinivana, east of Kapilavastu. The second most sacred place of pilgrimage is Buddha Gaya where he attained enlightenment. The third most sacred pilgrimage center for Buddhists is SharNath or Isipatan where Buddha delivered his first sermon, and the fourth is Kushinara or Kashia in Uttar Pradesh, where he finally gave up his mortal self.
The Bodhi tree under which the Buddha attained enlightenment is considered to be the among the oldest and the most venerated tree in the world. This tree is said to be a descendant of the original tree, a branch of which was transplanted at Anuradhapura in Sri Lanka during the period of Emperor Ashoka the great. It is believed that Emperor Ashoka's Guru Upagupta led him to various holy sites in the Buddhist tradition, including this tree at Gaya.
Buddha Gaya is also home to the ancient temple of Buddha. The Mahabodhi temple has a 150 feet high tower, and it contains a gilded image of Buddha. The original shrine here is believed to have been raised by Emperor Ashoka. The temple has a beautiful stone railing around it. Depcited on the walls of the temple are scenes from Buddha's life. A museum in the vicinity has gold, bronze and stone images of Buddha.
The Vajrasana-platform where Buddha performed his penance is located below the Bodhi tree, and this spot is described as the center of the Universe. The spots where he spent seven weeks have seven shrines, built by devout Buddhists from several countries.
Several Buddhist relics have been unearthed in this area. Other places of interest here include the Tibetian, Japanese and Burmese monasteries. The Tibetian monastery houses the massive Dharma Chakra or the wheel of law. Millions visit Buddha Gaya from all over the world.
The Chinese traveller Hyuen Tsang of the seventh century CE, has described Buddha Gaya in detail in his travel accounts where he writes about the monasteries that thrived in this region.
Rate :-a). Tavera @ Rs. 9 per Km.
b). Innova @ Rs. 10 per Km.
c). Sumo Victa @ Rs. 8 per Km.
d). Indica @ Rs. 6 per Km.
NOTE :- Extra route expenditure such as toll tax, border tax , Parking etc. should be paid by party itself.
Package of Varanasi to Gaya(Holy Memories of Lord Buddha at Bodh Gaya)

Bodhgaya in India is the holiest place for the Buddhists. Apart from being a significant archaeological site, it is also a vital Buddhist centre. Bodhagaya is located t a distance of 270Km from Varanasi and 110 Km South of Patna. The place in ancient imes was called URUVELLA, and famous for being a place of PEACE, REALISATON AND ENLIGHTMENT. The popularity of the place aries due to the ennlightment of Lord Buddha here more than 2500 years ago. Devout Buddhists and tourists from all over the world visit Bodhgaya, to study Buddhism and the art of meditation, or to simply absorb the aura of solemn grandeur that surrounds the place.
Distance in Kms. ----- 270 Kms ( Up Down Both 540 Kms )
Route Followed ------ Varanasi - Mohania - Sasaram - Gaya - Bodhgaya.
Time ----- 6Hrs.
Duration of Days & Night ----- 2 days & 1 Night
Rate :-
a). Tavera @ Rs. 9 per Km.
b). Innova @ Rs. 10 per Km.
c). Sumo Victa @ Rs. 8 per Km.
d). Indica @ Rs. 6 per Km.
NOTE :- Extra route expenditure such as toll tax, border tax , Parking etc. should be paid by party itself.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
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Tuesday, January 1, 2008
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